Electrical, Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Advice

For Western Illinois & Eastern Iowa

Welcome to our blog dedicated to providing homeowners and business owners in Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa with expert advice on electrical, plumbing, and heating topics. The blog focuses on offering practical, actionable tips and insights, helping readers navigate the maintenance and safety of their home and business systems effectively.

AC Maintenance Western Illinois: Get Your Air Conditioning Ready for Summer

With summer approaching in Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa, it’s essential to prepare your air conditioning system for the increased demand. Proper AC maintenance not only ensures comfort but also improves energy efficiency and reduces running costs. Here’s how you can get your air conditioning system ready for the hot months ahead. Essential AC Maintenance…

cozy evening in a Western Illinois home during a spring storm. The scene features family safely inside

Spring Storm Safety Tips for Homeowners in Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa

As the frost recedes and the days grow longer, residents of Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa must prepare for the season’s volatility. Our team at Hollister Electrical, with over 80 years of experience, is dedicated to providing you with the best spring storm safety tips to navigate electrical hazards confidently. Understanding the Risks Understanding the…


Preparing Your Home for Spring: Essential Plumbing Checks

As the frost of another harsh Midwest winter begins to thaw, it’s crucial to ensure that your home’s plumbing system is ready for the spring. This is especially important in Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa, where the dramatic shifts from cold to warm weather can strain even the best-maintained systems. Below, we explore essential indoor…